David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) is a modern day Enlightened Sage. After he attained Enlightenment, he spent more than twenty years trying to explain what he has witnessed about the Reality,in writings and speeches (That is, trying to project the infinite dimensions of Reality into our four-dimensional space-time). Below are some excerpts of his teachings. If you understand and believe what he said, you are gifted in spiritual endeavor. If you actually experienced the states of what he said, you are on your way to be enlightened, and to attain Buddhahood.
大衛.霍金斯是近代明心見性的靈性大師。證道是剎那之事,但要將所證靈界實相,以世間語言文字,向俗世解說,卻要花一生的精力。他證道後,花了將近二十年功夫,才將他所證,以現代科技語文,不引經據典的簡潔闡述 (即將無限度的靈界實相投射到我們有限的四度時、空裡)。底下是他的靈性教導的精華。句句都是真理,都是靈界實相。如果你相信他所說,你就有修行的天賦。如果你真的證悟了一些他所說的,你是修行有成就的靈修者。證道、成佛,指日可望。 Continue reading →