David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) is a modern day Enlightened Sage. After he attained Enlightenment, he spent more than twenty years trying to explain what he has witnessed about the Reality,in writings and speeches (That is, trying to project the infinite dimensions of Reality into our four-dimensional space-time). Below are some excerpts of his teachings. If you understand and believe what he said, you are gifted in spiritual endeavor. If you actually experienced the states of what he said, you are on your way to be enlightened, and to attain Buddhahood.
大衛.霍金斯是近代明心見性的靈性大師。證道是剎那之事,但要將所證靈界實相,以世間語言文字,向俗世解說,卻要花一生的精力。他證道後,花了將近二十年功夫,才將他所證,以現代科技語文,不引經據典的簡潔闡述 (即將無限度的靈界實相投射到我們有限的四度時、空裡)。底下是他的靈性教導的精華。句句都是真理,都是靈界實相。如果你相信他所說,你就有修行的天賦。如果你真的證悟了一些他所說的,你是修行有成就的靈修者。證道、成佛,指日可望。
Excerpts of David Hawkins’ Teachings 霍金斯教導選錄 (中英對照)
The phenomenon of Enlightenment is analogous to the shining forth of the sun,when the clouds are removed. Ego self does not get Enlightenment;it just disappeared.
The way to Enlightenment is simply that of surrendering the barriers that preclude the state of Realization. 如銷金礦,金非銷有,既巳成金,不重為礦。
Everyone already has a calibratable level of consciousness at birth that is reflective of karmic inheritance. 每個人隨業力而有與生俱來的靈性階層。
One is responsible for the effort and not the results – surrendering the control of outcomes. 謀事在人,成事在天,不可强也!。活在當下,只問耕耘,不問收穫。
Heaven is within you. 人人皆本具佛性。
Whereas ordinary information is acquired by effort, in spiritual endeavor the emphasis is on relinquishing, letting go, and surrendering. 知識是累積而得。靈修注重放下妄想 分別 執著
Each person experiences, perceives, and interprets the world and its events in accordance with their own predominant level of consciousness.每個人都依自己的靈性階層來體驗、感知、及詮釋宇宙萬事萬物。
Although the personal self likes to think that the thoughts going through the mind are my thoughts, they are actually only the thoughts that prevail at a given level of consciousness.
Spiritual processing is like positioning oneself in the wind or floating in a (water) current (go with the follow moving along with the prevailing forces)
To fully know a reality is to be it, which is a transformative absorption and full integration. 要知道實相,就要與它合而為一。即轉化吸收及全體合一。
Available options are limited by the level of consciousness and vary very differently from one level to another. 對一件事的選擇、決定,取決於他的意識階層。靈性階層越高,看事越深、越廣。所作決定越正確,越圓滿。
Much judgmentalism arises from posing the hypothetical, i.e., that people should be different; however if they could be they would be.
一切對別人的評判,皆起源於假設: “人們應該會有不同的舉止”。但如果他們能夠,他們就會有不同的舉止。[人們都會依自己認為最好的、而作決定。他們的行為取決於他們的靈性階層。]
The real reason much information is not available is because there is a lack of capability to ask the correct question. (Question and Answer are two sides of the same coin.)
我們為何不知道許多資訊,是因為我們缺乏 “如何問對的問題” 的智慧 (問題跟答案是同一硬幣的兩面)。
It is wise to avoid pessimism even after a seemingly long, dry period of frustration, for such periods are due to overcoming major obstacles and attachments that often presage major changes.
The mind acts as a processor of data simultaneously from both within and without. It categorizes, sorts, prioritizes, contextualizes, and interprets simultaneously as it concordantly draws on memory banks, emotional centers, and conditioned responses and their correlations. In addition, this multilayered complexity is simultaneously subject to options, choices, and the will.
人類的心意識如同一台電腦的主機(資料處理系統),它同時處理內在與外在的資料。它同時於瞬間,從記憶倉庫、情緒中樞汲取資訊,綜合而作有條理的分析、反應及找出相互關係,然後將這些資料歸類、整理、決定優先、順序、結構化、詮釋、及相關性。除此之外, 這多層次的複雜處理,同時也受到依各人靈性階層、業力,根深柢固的主見,主觀選擇標準,及意志力的影響。
Between phenomena and the experience of the phenomena is the 1/10000th of a second’s delay. The self receives only processed material and not the original. In addition, the processed material then interacts with the automated response of the personal self to the edited data. The output to the experiencer is devoid of the aliveness and radiance of Divinity that is innate to All that Exists. The interface of the processor/experiencer is the core of separation and duality.
Although the ego/mind processor performs an incredibly complex multitude of functions simultaneously and seemingly without effort, there is a loss between input and output. That loss is a quality of the original purity and innate brilliance. The output to the experiencer is devoid of the aliveness and radiance of Divinity that is innate to All that Exists. With the evolution of consciousness, this screen suddenly disappears, and when this happens, there is a profound transformation in that everything becomes radiant, illuminated in depth, texture, and color. It presents itself unedited instead of being perceived and interpreted.
儘管這心意識能幾乎同時、毫不費力的處理這些複雜的資料,但在這中間,就產生了輸入資料與輸出資料間的品質差異、損失; 這損失是事物原本的純淨與自然的光輝燦爛。這體驗者的輸出資料缺少活躍性及神祇的光輝。隨著意識的演進,當靈性的提昇至某一境界,這帳幕(延遲)就會忽然消失。當這情況發生時,意識會有很深厚的轉變,所有的事物變得有光輝的,明朗而有深度的,有組織與結構的,有色彩的展現 (海印頓現)。這就是明心見性,見性成佛。
When the time is right, the apple falls from the tree 。 There is no need to shake it, intimidate it, or resort to cajolery 。 All occurs when it is propitious by virtue of intention, karmic propensities, and favorable conditions. 當機緣成熟時,自然瓜熟蒂落 (蘋果自然從樹上掉下來)。我們不須要搖動它、威脅恐嚇它、或以甜言蜜語引誘它。一切事情的發生,都是隨順意志、因果關係、有利條件而自然發生的。
All experiences and phenomena have an intrinsic value to spiritual evolution and discovery. It becomes necessary to simply subordinate the personal will to the process itself, which tends to become progressively stronger. The unfolding of the life of the serious spiritual devotee becomes increasingly orchestrated by the Self rather than the ego/self. 境緣無好醜,好醜起於心。所有的經驗及現象,對靈性的進展與發覺,都有它固有的價值。因此,凡事隨順自性。
It is a simple matter to find a quotation that justifies any position when it is taken out of context. 你永遠可以斷章取義,而辯護你的任何觀點。
A pathway should be intrinsically reconfirming by discovery and inner experience. A true pathway unfolds, is self-revelatory, and is subject to reconfirmation experientially.
靈修之路,是可以內證的。 當真理之道顯現時,它是自我啟發,而且可以真正體驗。
As spiritual awareness advances, the flow of spiritual energy increases and enables transcending prior, seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The teachings of great saints and teachers become one’s own from within.
There may be progressive changes in values, goals, and prioritization of time and effort. The Self always knows exactly where you are; it is the self that is confused or discordant.
在修行進展中,價值觀、目標、時間的應用與努力方向都隨時在改變。我們的真我(自性) 隨時都知道我們的進度與所在地。產生困惑或不協調的是自我(小我)。
One’s life span is already determined at the very moment of birth. (This statement is generally true, but there are exceptions, like those of spiritual teachers。剛出生時,一個人的壽命有多長就已前定。[註:這說法是大概而言(即對凡夫而說),但有例外,如度眾生、續佛慧命的大德,不在此限。所增長的壽命,是為眾生而活,為續佛慧命,不是為自我而活。]
The mind is silent and no longer process data in a linear fashion. In a non-linear condition without time and sequence, there is no longer a question to be asked, and as the situation presents itself, the answer instantly comes forth unprocessed out of silence.
當修行至較高階層時(540以上),他不以直線性的知識、因果關係來處理資料。它是以複雜的非線性感應,沒有時間順序。我門不必問,時機一到,最圓滿的答案會自然顯現。[此時,修行者內心清淨寂滅,無思無慮,隨問隨答,感應交道,無所不知,無所不能,無所不在] 。
Obstacles that seem difficult or impossible to overcome are bypassed fairly easily at higher levels. By the power of intention, they frequently disappear simultaneously as a consequence of merely becoming aware of them.
Understandings spontaneously arose without thought.
感應交道。思量即不中用,見性之人,言下須見;思量即不中用,於一切時中念念自見 萬法無滯,一真一切真,萬境自如如。
The field of consciousness itself, by virtue of its omnipresence and omniscience, automatically translate the infinite number of factors into a singularity, such as Y/N .
Progress is the consequence of clarification and greater understanding that arise from the expansion of context.
To fully know a reality is to be it. To know what is a cat is to become a cat.
要了知靈界實相,要跟靈界合而為一。要知道貓是甚麼,就要跟貓合為一 體。
In Reality, there is no accident. Everything is carefully planned and executed by the Divinity for your own advancement of spirituality.
在實相裏 沒有意外,所經歷 一切事情都是自己靈魂的選擇,讓你通過經歷這些事情而從中獲得靈性的進化。所以,在你一生中所遇到的所有人、事、物都是有發生的原因,是有它的作用的,如果你能夠明白這點,你便有機會能夠憑著心態的轉變而超越這些事情對你的做成的負面影響,你的靈性就能夠從此而得到提升。以,一切發生在你生命中的事情,無論你現在認為所發生的事情是好的還是壞的,其實每一件事情都是爲了你好而安排的一種經歷,你的遭遇其實是你靈魂的選擇。重點是你能夠從你的每一個經歷中學到什麽,你能通過經歷而超越了什麽,你的改變是否更能真實的反映你心靈一直渴望成為的你。
Consciousness innately seeks its source. 我們的自性,期望著”就路歸家”。
A butterfly no longer needs a cocoon. 蝶蛹在羽化成蝴蝶後,就不再需要蠶繭。譬喻修行人要過河捨舟、得魚忘筌、得意忘言 。
The all-perversive universal energy called consciousness is of infinite power and dimension beyond time and is compositionally nonlinear. The infinitely powerful, all present, timeless field of consciousness is comparable to an electrostatic field that is motionless unless triggered by the challenge of a presenting electrical charge. The electrostatic field, in and of itself, does not do anything but merely responds and records. 無所不在的普遍性意識能量場,有無限的能力及維度,超越時空、非二元性。意識場就像是一個無形、無相、無限、不動的靜電場,虛靈寂靜,真空不空,妙有非有。但它會隨帶電體的強度,無功用道,而作適度的反應。[也像地心引力場。隨物體質量,而運行。]
Unlike the electrostatic field, the timeless field of consciousness is permanent and thereby records all that has occurred or existed from within time/space/evolution. The field itself stands beyond time, space, or any known dimension and instead includes all dimensions, without being altered by them. The infinite field is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and uniquely identifiable as the Absolute by which all expressions of evolution or existence can be compared.
Everything in the universe, including even a passing thought, is recorded forever in the timeless field of consciousness, which is everywhere equally present. All that has ever occurred, either physically or by thought, is equally available because the field is beyond time and space. The totality is equal and permanent presence everywhere. 宇宙裡的一切事物,包括微細的起心動念,永遠被記錄在這永恆的意識場裡。它隨時、隨地可啟用。
Everything is connected to everything else. Everything is simply as it is.
It appears that as consciousness evolves, it seems to remain at a given level for variable periods of time that are described as periods of ripening, realignment, and readjustment through the more advanced energy field.
All fear is an illusion and death is not a possibility.
Presume no actual reliable knowledge of anything at all. Ask God to reveal its meaning.
It is not how far one is along the road that is important, but the fact that one is on the road. 你在修行道上有多久,並不重要。重要的是”你仍走在修行路上。
附註: 心意識 (mind) 的本性及與生俱來的限制
蘇格拉底的格言: “所有人類所患的錯誤或壞事都是不知不覺的. 因為每一個人都相信他只選擇在當時他認為是最好而且能帶給他快樂的事做”.
人類心意設計的主要缺點是它的本性不能分辨是非. 這決定性的缺點是人類痛苦與災難的根源. 心意(mind)就像是一個電腦的硬體(hardware), 能執行運轉任何儲存在內的軟體. 而這電腦的軟體(software)是社會及遺傳灌注的影響力. 人類本來是無知的; 不能分辨對與不對. 這電腦的硬體沒有阻止任何軟體進入與應用的防禦系統. 這硬體(心意)相信任何社會輸入的軟體程式. 由於輸入軟體的來源, 我們的心意無法分辨基本的二元性:”我/自我/自身” 與 “無限的真我”. 因此, 許多偉大的聖賢都警告大家”人性是非常的無知. 要改變他幾乎不可能 除非有靈修導師的教導”
由於它先天的結構,人類心意(思想)是純真的; 它不知本身所受的限制, 而且易受騙的. 因此每個人都是自我的無知與有限性的受害者. 大部份普通人的思想不但是謬誤的, 而且被載入以下的程式: 自恨 沮喪 內疚 自悲 忌妒 貪婪 衝突 以及無止境的悲慘. 這些缺點投注入整個世界而造成了仇恨 戰爭 殘暴 及滅絕種族等罪惡. 自我以驕傲的否認來辯護它自己的有限性, 而成為它自己的受害者. 因此, 如無外來的幫助, 人類的心意無法分辨對與不對. 這是一個非常驚人的發現 (這發現的重要性可跟哥本哈根的 “地球是繞著太陽轉” 的發現可相提並論)
意識場的基本原理 (Basic Principles of the Science of Consciousness)
我們是生存在無限度 (Infinite Dimensions) 的全息圖 (hologram)的靈界裡, 每件事都很微妙地跟其他事件有相關連. 任何事件的產生都是由宇宙內其他所有的事件所造成. 每一個事件都沒有它自己獨立的實質存在. 每一個觀點, 都是每一個人從某一個角度看到的反射影. 只有靈性進展至最高境界(證道, 成佛)的人, 才能寞寞地同時完全領悟到它的整體可能性
意識場 (Consciousness)是無形, 無色, 不可見, 無限度空間與潛力的能量場, 是所有存在的本質.
意識場是一種遍佈於宇宙內的能量場. 它有無限大的能力, 存在於時間外的無數度空間裡. 它的組成是非直線性的. 我們能識知宇宙萬物, 是因為意識的存在. 意識也是我們存在的母體. 因此 意識是不可再分的實質. 經由它我們可以從主觀的非直線性的識覺來察看一切直線性的事物.
每一個人的心裡意向或是行為(即使是最微小的細節)以及宇宙內所有事件(包括偶然的思想), 都永遠地被銘刻及記錄在這無限大的意識場裡. 它同等的出現在任何地方. 因為它超越時空, 所有曾經發生過的事件(不管是肉體的或是思想的), 我們到處隨時都可啟用. 沒有這裡或是那裡, 現在或是過去的分別. 它的整體是平等的, 而且永恆的呈現在任何地方.
這無時間性的意識場是永恆的. 因此記錄著所有在時間, 空間, 以及在宇宙進化裡所發生及所存在的一切景象. 這意識場超越及包括所有的時間, 空間, 或是任何已知的世界, 而不被它們所改變. 這無限場是無所不在(omnipresence), 無所不能(omnipotence), 無所不知(omniscience). 這無限度的意識場是宇宙內唯一的絕對真理. 因而它可作為所有進化的表達或運作的標準.
意識是不可再分的人類能力的實質. 它也是我們覺性能力的本質. 它不須要有人類就可存在(但它也包括人類在內). 它是不可再分的實質(存在的基本粒子) .
意識場有無限的能力與潛能, 它使創造(Creation)繼續不停的發生. 因而顯示了整個宇宙的存在.
它像是一個靜電場, 安靜不動, 無聲無色無相. 但它具有潛藏力. 當帶電體出現在這個靜電場裡, 這帶電體就依其電量的大小而被這靜電場帶動. 靜電場本身不做任何事(無為), 但它的潛能使帶電體產生活動. (它也像地心引力一樣) 它供應了創造的整體結構 它的潛能帶動從無形至有形 從不被體驗至被體驗的轉變
整個已知及未知的宇宙的存在是一個聯合, 整體的能場. 其中存在著各種不同振動頻率的等級(展現成為可看到的世界) 像物質世界一樣 振動頻率越高 能量越大
跟能量或物質不滅的定律相似. 生命(靈魂)永遠不滅. 生命不能被毀滅, 而只是轉變形態 (轉變到不同的頻率: 幽靈或精神).
信堅 10/21/2013
如果有基本的英文閱讀能力,對於David Hawkins的著作有興趣,師兄會建議讀哪一本?Power vs force因為有中文版所以已經讀完了。
Robert 師兄:
看霍金斯的順序,信堅個人的意見,是看完 Power vs Force 後,再看 Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment “超越意識各種的等級–達到靈修最高境界的階梯”
然後看 Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Non-duality “發現了神的顯現 (明心見性) – 虔誠的非二元性靈修”。
信堅園地有專欄介紹 霍金斯言論,點擊首頁上方標題,就可觀看所有 有關霍金斯的文章。[也可到首頁的右下方,點擊文章標題觀看。] 歡迎批評指教。