The Kybalion 凱巴萊恩 (2B)

The Kybalion: Seven Hermetic Principles that govern All Creations Part 2B
凱巴萊恩: 七條主導萬物的赫爾墨斯法則及其運用 第2B集

第二篇 (Part 2B) 包括第八章至第十三章,分別詳細解說其他六條赫爾墨斯法則的真義、運作、及如何應用。
Hermetic 7  Hermetic 8

Chapter VIII The Planes of Correspondence 第八章對應層面 (不同層面的對應)
“As above, so below; as below, so above.” 其下如其上; 其上如其下。

The Second Hermetic Principle embodies the truth that there is a harmony, agreement, and correspondence between the several planes of Manifestation, Life and Being. For the purpose of convenience of thought and study, the Hermetic Philosophy considers that the Universe may be divided into three great classes of phenomena, known as the Three Great Planes: The Great Physical Plane, The Great Mental Plane, and The Great Spiritual Plane.

The Great Physical Plane, and its Seven Minor Planes, is that division of the phenomena of the Universe. It includes all forms of that which we call Matter, and all forms of that which we call Energy. But the Hermetic Teachings are that Matter is but a form of Energy– that is, Energy at a low rate of vibrations of a certain kind.

The Great Mental Plane comprises those forms of “living things” known to us in ordinary life, as well as certain other forms not so well known except to the occultist. 大心理層面包括我們在日常生活中已知的那些“有生命的物體”形式,還有一些僅為神秘主義者所熟知的其他形式。

The Great Spiritual Plane, with higher states of Being, Life and Mind, is almost impossible to explain it to the Plane of Human Mind. Try to explain it is like explaining Light to a man who is born blind;explaining sugar, to a man who has never tasted anything sweet,or explaining harmony to one born deaf?

And occultists know that that which is known to them as “Spiritual Power” may be employed for evil as well as good ends. A fact which has been recognized by the majority of religions in their conceptions of Satan, Beelzebub, the Devil, Lucifer, Fallen Angels, etc.

Most of us have heard the old adage that our outer world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world – as within, so without, as above, so below.  大多數人聽過古老的諺語,”外境是內心的顯現”。其外如其內,其下如其上。
Hwa 5 Law of Correspondence basically says that our current reality is a mirror of what is going on inside us. Our reality is a result of our inner most dominant thought. In order to change our outer world, we must first take a good look in the mirror and change the inner man. There are many things in our life that we don’t have complete control over, but we do have total control over our thinking.

Chapter IX Vibration第九章振動法則
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
沒有事物是靜止; 萬物都在移動;一切都在振動。

The Hermetic Teachings are that not only is everything in constant movement and vibration, but that the “differences” between the various manifestations of the universal power are due entirely to the varying rate and mode of vibrations. Not only this, but that even THE ALL, in itself, manifests a constant vibration of such an infinite degree of intensity and rapid motion that it may be practically considered as at rest. Even on the physical plane a rapidly moving object (such as a revolving wheel) seems to be at rest.

Science teaches that all matter manifests the vibrations arising from temperature or heat. Be an object cold or hot, it manifests certain heat vibrations. Then all particles of Matter are in circular movement. The molecules are composed of Atoms. The atoms are composed of Corpuscles, called “electrons,” “ions,” etc., which also are in a state of rapid motion, revolving around each other, and which manifest a very rapid state and mode of vibration.
科學教導所有物質,表現出由溫度或熱所引起的振動。不管一件事物是冷或熱, 它顯現出某種程度的熱振動。物質的所有粒子都在作圓周形運動。分子由原子所組成,原子由“電子、離子”等微粒子所組成,它們也處於快速運動的狀態,彼此相對旋轉,並且表現出非常快速運動的狀態和振動模式。

Scientists have offered the illustration of a rapidly moving wheel, top, or cylinder, to show the effects of increasing rates of vibration. The illustration supposes a wheel, top, or revolving cylinder, running at a low rate of speed. Let us suppose the object moving slowly. It may be seen readily. Then, the motion being still further increased, the next highest note is distinguished. Then, one after another, all the notes of the musical scale appear, rising higher and higher as the motion is increased. Finally when the motions have reached a certain rate the final note perceptible to human ears is reached and the shrill, piercing shriek dies away, and silence follows.

Then comes the perception of rising degrees of Heat. Then after quite a time the eye catches a glimpse of the object becoming a dull dark reddish color. As the rate increases, the red becomes brighter. Then as the speed is increased, the red melts into an orange、the orange melts into a yellow,then successively, the shades of green、blue、indigo and violet. Then the violet shades away, and all color disappears, the human eye not being able to register them.

In the above illustration, that at the stages at which the “object” throws off vibrations of light, heat, etc., it is not actually “resolved” into those forms of energy, but simply that it reaches a degree of vibration in which those forms of energy are liberated, in a degree, from the confining influences of its molecules, atoms and corpuscles.
在上面的例子中,在“物體” 散發出光,熱等的振動的階段,它不是實際上“分解”成這些形式的能量。它只是說,它達到一定程度的振動,這些形式的能量從其分子,原子和微粒子的約束中被釋放出來。

But the Hermetic Teachings go much further. They teach that all manifestation of thought, emotion, reason, will or desire, or any mental state or condition, are accompanied by vibrations, a portion of which are thrown off and which tend to affect the minds of other persons by “induction.” This is the principle which produces the phenomena of “telepathy”.

As one of the old Hermetic writers has truly said:
“He who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the scepter of Power.”

Chapter X Polarity 第十章極性法則
“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

Then passing on to the Physical Plane, they illustrate the Principle by showing that Heat and Cold are identical in nature, the differences being merely a matter of degrees. The thermometer shows many degrees of temperature, the lowest pole being called “cold,” and the highest “heat.” Between these two poles are many degrees of “heat” or “cold,” call them either and you are equally correct. The higher of two degrees is always “warmer,” while the lower is always “colder.” There is no absolute standard-all is a matter of degree. There is no place on the thermometer where heat ceases and cold begins. It is all a matter of higher or lower vibrations.
在物質層面,這法則顯示熱和冷在本質上是相同的,差異僅僅是溫度。溫度計顯示許多度數的溫度,最低的極稱為“冷”,最高的“熱”。在這兩極之間有許多程度的“熱”或“冷”,叫它們冷或熱,都是一樣的正確。兩個溫度中較高者總是“較暖”,而較低者總是“較冷”。沒有絕對標準 – 所有都是溫度問題。在溫度計上沒有熱量停止和冷開始的地方。這只是一個更高或更低的振動的問題。

Light and Darkness are poles of the same thing, with many degrees between them. The musical scale is the same–starting with “C” you move upward until you reach another “C” and so on.
The scale of color is the same-higher and lower vibrations being the only difference between high violet and low red. 光明和黑暗是同一件東西的極點,他們之間有很多度數。音階也是相同的 – 從“C”開始向上移動,直到你到達另一個“C”,等等。顏色的等級是相同的 – 更高和更低的振動是高紫和低紅之間的唯一差別。

And so it is on the Mental Plane. “Love and. Hate” are generally regarded as being things diametrically opposed to each other; entirely different; unreconcilable. But we apply the Principle of Polarity; we find that there is no such thing as Absolute Love or Absolute Hate, as distinguished from each other. Beginning at any point of the scale we find “more love,” or “less hate,” as we ascend the scale; and “more hate” or “less love” as we descend this being true no matter from what point, high or low, we may start.
在心理層面上也是一樣。“愛與恨”通常被視為彼此完全相反的事物;截然不同;不可調和。但我們應用極性法則; 我們發現沒有絕對愛或絕對恨這樣的彼此區分。從刻度的任何一點,向上升,我們發現“更多的愛”或“更少的恨”; 向下降,我們發現“更多的恨”或“更少的愛”。

And it is this fact that enables the Hermetist to transmute (蛻變、轉變) one mental state into another, along the lines of Polarization. Things belonging to different classes cannot be transmuted into each other, but things of the same class may be changed, that is, may have their polarity changed.

Thus Love never becomes East or West, or Red or Violet-but it may and often does turn into Hate and likewise Hate may be transformed into Love, by changing its polarity. Courage may be transmuted into Fear, and the reverse. Hard things may be rendered Soft. Dull things become Sharp. Hot things become Cold. And so on, the transmutation always being between things of the same kind of different degrees. 因此,愛永遠不會變成東方或西方,或紅色或紫色 – 但它可能,而且經常變成憎恨,同樣恨可以通過改變它的極性轉變成愛。勇氣可能會變成恐懼,但恐懼也可以變成勇氣。硬的東西可以呈現軟。鈍的東西變成利。熱的東西變冷。等等,變化總是在同一種不同程度的事物之間。

When the Principle of Polarity is once grasped, and it is seen that the mental changes are occasioned by a change of polarity – a sliding along the same scale – the hatter is readily understood. The change is not in the nature of a transmutation of one thing into another thing entirely different-but is merely a change of degree in the same things.
當極性法則被掌握,並且看到心理變化是由極性的變化 – 沿著同一天平滑動 – 該問題很容易理解。這種變化不是將一種東西變換成另一種完全不同本質的東西,而只是同一事物的程度變化。

When it is understood that Mental Induction is possible, we can readily see how a certain rate of vibration, or polarization of a certain mental state, may be communicated to another person. 當理解到心理感應是可能的,我們可以容易地看到如何將一定的振動頻率或某種心理狀態的極化傳遞到另一個人。

Chapter XI Rhythm第十一章節奏法則
“Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”

The Principle manifests in the creation and destruction of worlds; in the rise and fall of nations; in the life history of all things; and finally in the mental states of Man. Thus it is with all living things; they are born, grow, and die–and then are reborn. So it is with all great movements, philosophies, creeds, fashions, governments, nations, and all else-birth, growth, maturity, decadence, death-and then new-birth. The swing of the pendulum is ever in evidence.
這法則顯現在世界的創造與毀滅、在國家的興衰中;、在所有事物的生命史上、在人的心理狀態。所有生物同樣: 他們出生,成長,死亡 – 然後再生。所有偉大的運動,哲學,信條,時尚,政府,國家和所有其他事物也如此 – 誕生,成長,成熟,衰落,死亡,然後新生。擺錘的擺動是如此明顯易見的。

The Hermetic Masters discovered that there were two general planes of Consciousness, the Lower and the Higher, the understanding of which fact enabled them to rise to the higher plane and thus escape the swing of the Rhythmic pendulum which manifested on the lower plane.

In other words, the swing of the pendulum occurred on the Unconscious Plane, and the Consciousness was not affected. This they call the Law of Neutralization. Its operations consist in the raising of the Ego above the vibrations of the Unconscious Plane of mental activity, so that the negative-swing of the pendulum is not manifested in consciousness, and therefore they are not affected. It is akin to rising above a thing and letting it pass beneath you.

There are other features of the operation of this Principle of Rhythm, known as the Law of Compensation. The Law of Compensation is that the swing in one direction determines the swing in the opposite direction. The pendulum of the clock swings a certain distance to the right, and then an equal distance to the left. The seasons balance each other in the same way. The tides follow the same Law. And the same Law is manifested in all the phenomena of Rhythm.

The Law of Compensation plays an important part in the lives of men and women. It will be noticed that one generally “pays the price” of anything he possesses or lacks. The things that one gains are always paid for by the things that one loses. The rich possess much that the poor lack, while the poor often possess things that are beyond the reach of the rich. The millionaire may have the inclination toward feasting, and the wealth wherewith to secure all the dainties and luxuries of the table, while he lacks the appetite to enjoy the same; he envies the appetite and digestion of the laborer.

Chapter XII Causation 第十二章 因果法則
“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”

“Chance” is merely an expression relating to obscure causes; causes that we cannot perceive; causes that we cannot understand. Chance is derived from “to fall” (as the falling of dice). “意外”只是一個與模糊的原因有關的表達; 導致我們不能察覺、不能理解。意外一詞源自於 “下跌”(如骰子被擲下)。

Nothing ever “happens” without a cause, or rather a chain of causes. The majority of people are more or less the slaves of heredity, environment, etc., and manifest very little Freedom. They are swayed by the opinions, customs and thoughts of the outside world, and also by their emotions, feelings, moods, etc.

The majority of people are carried along like the falling stone, obedient to environment, outside influences and internal moods, desires. Moved like the pawns on the checkerboard of life. But the Masters, knowing the rules of the game, rise above the plane of material life, and placing themselves in touch with the higher powers of their nature, dominate their own moods, characters, qualities, and polarity, as well as the environment surrounding them and thus become Movers in the game, instead of Pawns-Causes instead of Effects.
大多數人都像墜落的石頭,隨順環境,外部的影響和內部的情緒,慾望。像生活棋盤上的棋子一樣的被移動。但是,大師,知道遊戲的規則,提升到超越物質生活的層面,並將自己置於更能的本能力量之中,而掌控自己的心情、人格、品質、極性、環境。因此在遊戲中成為移動者,而不是走卒 – 原因而不是效果。

Not a sparrow drops unnoticed by the Mind of THE AL–that even the hairs on our head are numbered. 本體不忽略一隻麻雀,我們的頭髮都是被編號的。

Chapter XIII Gender 第十三章性別
“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”
性別存在於萬物之中;一切都有其陰與陽的法則;性別法則體現於所有層面。(這就是太極的原理: 陰中有陽,陽中有陰。陰陽互相變易,陰陽生萬物。)
Hwa 6 The office of Gender is solely that of creating, producing, generating, etc., and its manifestations are visible on every plane of phenomena. In the first place, we find a distinct manifestation of the Principle of Gender among the corpuscles, ions, or electrons, which constitute the basis of Matter. 性別的真義是創造,再生,產生等,它表現在每一個現象的層面上。首先,我們發現,粒子,離子或電子之間,存在著性別法則的顯現,它們構成了物質的基礎。

The atom is composed of a multitude of corpuscles, electrons, and ions revolving around each other and vibrating at a high degree and intensity. But the accompanying statement is made that the formation of the atom is really due to the clustering of negative corpuscles around a positive one—the positive corpuscles seeming to exert a certain influence upon the negative corpuscles, causing the latter to assume certain combinations and thus “create” or “generate” an atom.
原子是由大量的微粒子、電子、及離子,彼此圍繞旋轉,並有高強度的振動組成。但是另一種說法是,原子的形成實際上是由於負性粒子聚集在正性粒子周圍 – 正性粒子似乎對負性粒子施加某種影響力,導致後者採取某些組合,從而“創建”或“生成”原子。

The latest scientific teachings are that the creative corpuscles or electrons are Feminine.
A Feminine corpuscle becomes detached from, a Masculine corpuscle, and starts on a new career. It actively seeks a union with a Masculine corpuscle, being urged thereto by the natural impulse to create new forms of Matter or Energy.

This detachment and uniting form the basis of the greater part of the activities of the chemical world When the Feminine corpuscle unites with a Masculine corpuscle, the Feminine particles vibrate rapidly under the influence of the Masculine energy, and circle rapidly around the latter. The result is the birth of a new atom. 這種分離和聯合形成化學世界的大部分活動的基礎。當陰性微粒子與陽性微粒子結合時,陰性的粒子在陽性能量的影響下快速振動,並且圍繞後者快速環轉。結果是一個新原子的誕生。

The Masculine principle is always in the direction of giving out or expressing, and contents itself with the “Will” in its varied phases. The Feminine principle is always in the direction of receiving impressions, and has a much more varied field of operation than the Masculine. The Feminine conducts the work of generating new thoughts, concepts, and ideas, including the work of the imagination.
陽性法則總是在發出或表達的方向上,並且在其不同的階段內容本身俱有“意志”。陰性法則總是在接受印象的方向,並且具有比陽性更多變化的操作領域。 陰性進行創造新的想法,概念和想法的工作,包括想像力的工作。

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About wtsai

台南一中、台大物理、 哈佛博士。曾任教授、科學家、工程師。專長: 吹牛、高能物理、量子物理、太空物理,天文物理、地球物理,人造衛星設計、測試、發射、資料回收及科學應用。略涉: 武俠、太極、瑜珈、導引、氣功、經脈、論語、易經、老莊、一乘佛經、禪經、靈界實相、Hawkins、Seth。

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