Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind (1) 禪者的初心 精華節錄 (1) (中英對照)      

此文緣起,是一個月前,Wai Sam 師兄來函提起鈴木俊隆禪師所講的石頭希遷《参同契》,令信堅想起此園地曾介紹過 “Steve Jobs and Zen (賈伯斯的禪意人生),因此想起鈴木禪師的 “禪者的初心”。今天 Robert 師兄來函問起,修行禪定的入門書,信堅覺得此書是最好的入門書。因此在此,以中英對照,節錄介紹。讀者可參看下面英文原版或其中文翻譯。
鈴木俊隆:禪者的初心 譯者: 梁永安
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Live each day as if it were your last. 珍惜今天,活在當下。
《禪者的初心》是日本禪師鈴木俊隆死後,他的美國門徒生,花費大量心血,精心集錄的鈴木禪師言行錄 (有如佛經是釋迦牟尼的門徒生們所收集的言行錄)。此書是為那些對佛法一竅不通的美國人寫的英文著名禪修寶典,也是喬布斯 (Steve Jobs, 1955 – 2011) 一生修禪的依據。禪改變了喬布斯,而喬布斯則通過禪改變了世界。

正如《禪者的初心》所說:“做任何事,其實都是在展示我們內心的天性。這是我們存在的惟一目的。”喬布斯說,創造的秘密就在於初學者的心態。初心正如一個新生兒面對這個世界一樣,永遠充滿好奇、求知慾和讚歎。因為如此,喬布斯始終把自己當作初學者,時刻保持一種探索的熱情,“現在的我仍然在新兵營訓練”。關於喬布斯與禪,讀者可先看此園地的 “Steve Jobs and His Zen” (賈伯斯的禪意人生)
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參禪後是“溪聲盡是廣長舌、山色無非清靜身、夜來八萬四千偈、他日如何舉似人。 ”


鈴木俊隆(Shunryu Suzuki,1904~1971年),13世紀日本曹洞宗初祖道元禪師的法嗣。1961年在美國舊金山建立極具規模的塔撒加拉山僧院和舊金山禪院。此舉帶動美國本土開始廣設禪修中心,並影響日本禪宗在美國的傳播,進而大放異彩。鈴木禪師在美國弘法僅僅12年,然而成果豐碩。經過這位文靜且個子小小的人的努力,一個曹洞宗的組織如今在美國已然欣欣向榮。他的人與曹洞宗的禪道水乳交融,是這種禪道活生生的表現。

“His nonego (非我) attitude left us no eccentricities to embroider upon. Though he made no waves and left no traces as a personality in the worldly sense, the impress of his footsteps in the invisible world of history lead straight on.”

For a disciple of Suzuki-roshi, this book will be Suzuki-roshi’s Zen mind, and it will be the mind of Buddha himself, the mind of Zen practice.

This book is an example of how a Zen master talks and teaches. It will be a book of instruction about how to practice Zen, about Zen life, and about the attitudes and understanding that make Zen practice possible. For any reader, the book will be an encouragement to realize his own nature, his own Zen mind.

The practice of Zen mind is beginner’s mind. The innocence of the first inquiry—what am I ?—is needed throughout Zen practice.

The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all the possibilities.

It is the kind of mind which can see things as they are, which step by step and in a flash can realize the original nature of everything.

This practice of Zen mind is found throughout the book. Directly or sometimes by inference, every section of the book concerns the question of how to maintain this attitude through your meditation and in your life.
這種禪心的修行全書遍處可見。這本書的每一章節都直接或間接地碰觸到這個問題——如何才能在修行生活和日常生活中保持初心 (平常心)。

This book was conceived and initiated by Marian Derby, a close disciple of Suzuki-roshi and organizer of the Los Altos Zen group. Suzuki-roshi joined the zazen meditations of this group once or twice a week, and after each meditation period he would talk to them, encouraging their practice and helping them with their problems.
出版這本書的構想源自鈴木禪師的入室弟子—瑪麗安·德比(Marian Derby),她是洛斯拉圖斯(Los Altos)禪修團的負責人。鈴木禪師固定一或兩個星期參加該團的坐禪一次。禪師坐禪後會講講話,為學員們加油打氣,幫助他們解決各種疑難雜症。

Marian taped his talks and soon saw that as the group developed the talks acquired a continuity and development which would work well as a book and could be a much-needed record of Suzuki-roshi’s remarkable spirit and teaching. From her transcriptions of talks made over a period of several years, she put together the first draft of the present book. .

Then Trudy Dixon edited and organized the manuscript for publication.Trudy divided the book according to emphasis into three sections—Right Practice正確修法, Right Attitude正確的態度, and Right Understanding正確理解 —roughly corresponding to body, feeling, and mind. Shortly after finishing work on this book, Trudy died of cancer at the age of thirty.
接著,負責加工這份初稿的人是鈴木禪師另一位入室弟子 — 楚蒂·狄克遜(Trudy Dixon)。楚蒂依重點的不同而把本書劃分為三部分:“身與心的修行”、“在修行的道路上”,以及“用心理解”。這樣的區分,分別大致對應於身體、感覺與心靈的部分。結束這本書的編輯工作沒多久,楚蒂就死於癌症,當時她年僅30。

The only talk not given originally to the Los Altos group is the Epilogue (結語,尾聲,收場白), which is a condensation of two talks given when Zen Center moved into its new San Francisco headquarters. 書中的談話唯一不是在洛斯拉圖斯禪修團發表的,是“後記”部分,這部分是禪修中心搬入舊金山現址時,禪師兩次講話內容的濃縮版。

In 1958, when he was fifty-three, he came to America. After postponing his return several times, he decided to stay in America. He stayed because he found that Americans have a beginner’s mind, that they have few preconceptions about Zen, are quite open to it, and confidently believe that it can help their lives. He found they question Zen in a way that gives Zen life.
將禪帶到西方世界: 1959年時,53歲的鈴木禪師來到了美國。經過好幾次的延後歸程,最後,他決定留在美國弘法。禪師會留下來是因為他發現,美國人都懷有一顆“初心”,對禪很少有既定的成見,相當願意對禪敞開,相信禪能為他們的人生帶來幫助。此外,禪師也發現,美國人問問題的方式可以為禪注入新的生命。

The following tribute from Trudy to her teacher describes very well the relationship between Zen teacher and Zen student: 以下是楚蒂對禪師的兩段贊辭,很能說明禪師與徒弟之間的關係:

“A roshi is a person who has actualized that perfect freedom which is the potentiality for all human beings. He exists freely in the fullness of his whole being. The flow of his consciousness is not the fixed repetitive patterns of our usual self-centered consciousness, but rather arises spontaneously and naturally from the actual circumstances of the present. The results of this in terms of the quality of his life are extraordinary—buoyancy, vigor, straightforwardness, simplicity, humility, serenity, joyousness, uncanny perspicacity and unfathomable compassion. His whole being testifies to what it means to live in the reality of the present.

People say that practicing Zen is difficult. It is not difficult because it is hard to sit in the cross-legged position, or to attain enlightenment. It is difficult because it is hard to keep our mind pure and our practice pure in its fundamental sense. The goal of practice is always to keep our beginner’s mind.

For Zen students the most important thing is not to be dualistic. Our “original mind” includes everything within itself. It is always rich and sufficient within itself. You should not lose your self-sufficient state of mind, actually an empty mind and a ready mind. If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities. 學禪者最需要謹記的就是不要墜入二元思考。我們的“本心”一切本自具足。它總是豐富而自足,你不應離失本自具足的心靈狀態,它是顆空的心,是顆準備好要去接受的心。如果你的心是空的,它就會隨時準備好要去接受,對一切抱持敞開的態度。初學者的心充滿各種的可能性。

In the beginner’s mind there is no thought, “I have attained something.” All self-centered thoughts limit our vast mind. Dogen-zenji, the founder of our school, always emphasized how important it is to resume our boundless original mind. Even though you read much Zen literature, you must read each sentence with a fresh mind.

1.1 POSTURE 坐禪的姿勢
Zazen practice is the direct expression of our true nature.To take this posture is itself to have the right state of mind.

Zazen posture坐禪的姿勢
When you sit in the full lotus position, your left foot is on your right thigh, and your right foot is on your left thigh. When we cross our legs like this, even though we have a right leg and a left leg, they have become one. The position expresses the oneness of duality.
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Our body and mind are both two and one. Each one of us is both dependent and independent.
And even though we say mind and body, they are actually two sides of one coin. This is the right understanding. So when we take this posture it symbolizes this truth.

The most important thing in taking the zazen posture is to keep your spine straight. Your ears and your shoulders should be on one line. Relax your shoulders, and push up towards the ceiling with the back of your head. And you should pull your chin in. Also to gain strength in your posture, press your diaphragm down towards your hara, or lower abdomen. This will help you maintain your physical and mental balance.

Your hands should form the “cosmic mudra.” If you put your left hand on top of your right, middle joints of your middle fingers together, and touch your thumbs lightly together, your hands will make a beautiful oval.

You should not be tilted sideways, backwards, or forwards. You should be sitting straight up as if you were supporting the sky with your head. It expresses the key point of Buddhism.

Doing something is expressing our own nature. The most important point is to own your own physical body. If you slump, you will lose your self. Your mind will be wandering about somewhere else. We must exist right here, right now! You must have your own body and mind.

Usually, without being aware of it, we try to change something other than ourselves, we try to order things outside us. But it is impossible to organize things if you yourself are not in order. If you cannot be satisfied with the state of mind you have in zazen, it means your mind is still wandering about.

1.2 我呼吸,所以我存在BREATHING
When we practice zazen our mind always follows our breathing. When we inhale, the air comes into the inner world. When we exhale, the air goes out to the outer world. In this limitless world, our throat is like a swinging door. The air comes in and goes out like someone passing through a swinging door, no “I”, no world, no mind nor body.

When we practice zazen, all that exists is the movement of the breathing, but we are aware of this movement. When you practice zazen, there is no idea of time or space. Moment after moment each one of us repeats this activity.
So in the realm of pure religion there is no confusion of time and space, or good or bad.

All that we should do is just do something as it comes. Do something! Whatever it is, we should do it, even if it is not-doing something. We should live in this moment.

Tozan, a famous Zen master, said, “The blue mountain is the father of the white cloud. The white cloud is the son of the blue mountain. All day long they depend on each other, without being dependent on each other.” There may be many things like the white cloud and blue mountain. They depend on each other. But the white cloud should not be bothered by the blue mountain. The blue mountain should not be bothered by the white cloud. They are quite independent, but yet dependent. This is how we live, and how we practice zazen.

When we become truly ourselves, we just become a swinging door, and we are purely independent of, and at the same time, dependent upon everything. We are completely dependent and independent. 當我們變得真正地忠於自己,我們就會變成兩片活動門,在完全獨立的同時又與萬物相互依賴。我們是完全獨立而又完全依賴的。

1.3 Complete freedom獲得完全的自由
“To give your sheep or cow a large, spacious meadow is the way to control him.” 給你的牛或羊—片寬敞的綠草地是管好它們的方法。

Whatever we see is changing, losing its balance. The reason everything looks beautiful is because it is out of balance, but its background is always in perfect harmony. This is how everything exists in the realm of Buddha nature, losing its balance against a background of perfect balance. 我們看到的一切都是變動不停的,是正在失去平衡的。任何東西之所以看起來美,就是因為它失去了平衡,但其“背景”卻總呈現完全的和諧。

So if you see things without realizing the background of Buddha nature, everything appears to be in the form of suffering. But if you understand the background of existence, you realize that suffering itself is how we live, and how we extend our life. 所以,如果你只看到萬物的表象,而沒意識到作為它們背景的佛性,就會覺得萬物都在受苦。但如果你明白了這個存在的背景,就會了解受苦本身是我們應有的生活方式,是我們可以擴大生命的方式。

To give your sheep or cow a large, spacious meadow is the way to control him. So it is with people: first let them do what they want, and watch them. The best one is to watch them, just to watch them, without trying to control them. 給你的牛或羊—片寬敞的綠草地是管好它們的方法,對人也是一樣的道理。首先,讓他們做他們想做的事,你從旁看守他們。是看著他們,但只是看著,不存有任何想控制他們的心”。

The same way works for you yourself as well. If you want to obtain perfect calmness in your zazen, you should not be bothered by the various images you find in your mind. Let them come, and let them go. Then they will be under control.

Suppose you are sitting under some extraordinary circumstances. If you try to calm your mind you will be unable to sit, and if you try not to be disturbed, your effort will not be the right effort. The only effort that will help you is to count your breathing, or to concentrate on your inhaling and exhaling. The true purpose is to see things as they are, to observe things as they are, and to let everything go as it goes. 比方說你碰到某些煩心事,要完全靜下心來打坐是不可能的,如果你拼命壓制心念,你的努力就是不正確的努力。唯一可幫助你的努力就是數息,或是把心念專注在一呼一吸上。禪的本意是如物之所如去觀物的本身,讓一切自來自去。

1.4 MIND WAVES 漣漪就是你的修行
When you are practicing zazen, do not try to stop your thinking. Let it stop by itself. If something comes into your mind, let it come in, and let it go out. It will not stay long. When you try to stop your thinking, it means you are bothered by it.

It appears as if something comes from outside your mind, but actually it is only the waves of your mind, and if you are not bothered by the waves, gradually they will become calmer and calmer. 雜念看似從心的外面進來的,但事實上,雜念只是你的心所產生的漣漪,只要你不為雜念所動,它們就會逐漸平伏下來。

It will take quite a long time before you find your calm, serene mind in your practice. Many sensations come, many thoughts or images arise, but they are just waves of your own mind. Nothing comes from outside your mind. Nothing outside yourself can cause any trouble. You yourself make the waves in your mind. If you leave your mind as it is, it will become calm.

If your mind is related to something outside itself, that mind is a “small mind”, a limited mind. If your mind is not related to anything else, then there is no dualistic understanding in the activity of your mind. You understand activity as just waves of your mind. Big mind experiences everything within itself.

That everything is included within your mind is the essence of mind. Even though waves arise, the essence of your mind is pure; it is just like clear water with a few waves. Water and waves are one. Big mind and small mind are one.

With big mind, we accept each of our experiences. Because we enjoy all aspects of life as an unfolding of big mind, we do not care for any excessive joy. So we have imperturbable composure, and it is with this imperturbable composure of big mind that we practice zazen.

1.5 MIND WEEDS 拔除心中的野草
In pure zazen there should not be any waves in your mind. While you are sitting these waves will become smaller and smaller, and your effort will change into some subtle feeling.

“Pulling out the weeds we give nourishment to the plant.” We pull the weeds and bury them near the plant to give it nourishment. So even though you have some difficulty in your practice, even though you have some waves while you are sitting, those waves themselves will help you. So you should not be bothered by your mind.

Strictly speaking, any effort we make is not good for our practice because it creates waves in our mind. It is impossible, however, to attain absolute calmness of our mind without any effort. We must make some effort, but we must forget ourselves in the effort we make.

“In the zazen posture, your mind and body have great power to accept things as they are.” 在禪坐中,你的身心有強大的能力接受事實真相。

In Samyuktagama Sutra, it is said that there are four kinds of horses: excellent ones, good ones, poor ones, and bad ones. The best horse will run slow and fast, right and left, at the driver’s will, before it sees the shadow of the whip; the second best will run as well as the first one does, just before the whip reaches its skin; the third one will run when it feels pain on its body; the fourth will run after the pain penetrates to the marrow of its bones. You can imagine how difficult it is for the fourth one to learn how to run!

When you are determined to practice zazen with the great mind of Buddha, you will find the worst horse is the most valuable one. In your very imperfections you will find the basis for your firm, way-seeking mind. Those who find great difficulties in practicing Zen will find more meaning in it. 當你下定決心要以佛陀的偉大心靈來禪修時,你就會發現,最下等的馬才是最有價值的。在你自身的不完美中,你會為你堅定的求道之心找到基礎。那些覺得禪修極為困難的人,卻會在其中找到更多意義。

The posture taken in zazen is not the same for each of us. But even though you cannot take the right posture, when you arouse your real, wayseeking mind, you can practice Zen in its true sense. 坐禪的姿勢並不是一體適用的。不過,就算你不能用正確姿勢坐禪,但只要你興起真實的求道之心,一樣可以做到真切意義的坐禪。

If you find it impossible to sit because of some pain or some physical difficulty, then you should sit anyway, using a thick cushion or a chair. Even though you are the worst horse you will get to the marrow of Zen. 如果你是因為身體的因素造成打坐時會疼痛或不舒服,那不妨用厚一點的蒲團,甚至不妨坐在椅子上,總之,不管怎樣,就是要繼續打坐下去。哪怕你是最下等的馬,一樣可以領悟到禪的精髓。

Actually the best way to relieve your mental suffering is to sit in zazen. In the zazen posture which you have acquired by long, hard practice, your mind and body have great power to accept things as they are. When you feel disagreeable it is better for you to sit. 當你感到心情沉重,最好的方法就是坐下來打坐。採取坐禪的姿勢,你的身與心都會獲得巨大的力量,能夠依事物的如如面貌接受它們。當你感到痛苦時,最好的對策就是打坐。

1.7 色即是空,空即是色NO DUALISM
Our practice should be without gaining ideas, without any expectations, even of enlightenment.
This is based on the Prajna Paramita Sutra. It says, “Form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
Form is form and emptiness is emptiness.”

When you sit, you should just sit without being disturbed by your painful legs or sleepiness. That is zazen.

You will be annoyed by the feeling you have in your practice. When you can do everything, whether it is good or bad, without disturbance or without being annoyed by the feeling, that is actually what we mean by “form is form and emptiness is emptiness.”

Knowing that your life is short, to enjoy it day after day, moment after moment, is the life of “form is form, and emptiness emptiness.” 知道生命短暫,所以盡情去品味每一天、每一刻,這就是“色即是空,空即是色”的人生。

At first you will have various problems, and it is necessary for you to make some effort to continue our practice. If you make your best effort just to continue your practice with your whole mind and body, without gaining ideas, then whatever you do will be true practice. Just to continue should be your purpose. When you do something, just to do it should be your purpose.

1.8 BOWING叩頭,叩頭,再叩頭
After zazen we bow to the floor nine times. By bowing we are giving up ourselves. To give up ourselves means to give up our dualistic ideas. So there is no difference between zazen practice and bowing. 坐禪結束時,我們會以頭觸地叩頭九次。我們叩頭,是表示放下自己,放下自己則意味著棄絕二元性的思維。所以,叩頭和坐禪並沒有分別。

When everything exists within your “big mind”, all dualistic relationships drop away. There is no distinction between heaven and earth, man and woman, teacher and disciple. In your big mind, everything has the same value. Everything is Buddha himself. In your practice you should accept everything as it is, giving to each thing the same respect given to a Buddha.
當一切都存在於你的 “大心” 時,所有二元思維就會脫落。沒有天地之別,沒有男女之別,也沒有師徒之別。在你的大心裡,一切都是具有同等價值的。一切都是佛的自身。在修行裡,你應該如一切之所如,接受一切,給予每一樣事物如同對佛陀的敬重。

Bowing helps to eliminate our self-centered ideas.

If it is our inmost desire to get rid of our self-centered ideas, we have to do it. When we make this effort, our inmost desire is appeased and Nirvana is there. Before you determine to do it, you have difficulty, but once you start to do it, you have none. Your effort appeases your inmost desire. Real calmness should be found in activity itself. Calmness in activity is true calmness.”
只管去做,別管不可能: 如果去除自我中心的觀念是我們最內在的渴望,我們就非去做不可。在你下定決心去做之前,你會覺得困難重重;一旦你下定決心,就會覺得那一點都不難。真正的平靜應該在活動中尋找。只有動中之靜才是真正的靜。”

After you have practiced for a while, you will realize that it is not possible to make rapid, extraordinary progress. It is like studying a foreign language; you cannot do it all of a sudden, but by repeating it over and over you will master it. Just to be sincere and make our full effort in each moment is enough.

Zen practice is the direct expression of our true nature. Of course, whatever we do is the expression of our true nature, but without this practice it is difficult to realize.

When there is no gaining idea in what you do, then you do something. If you continue this simple practice every day you will obtain a wonderful power. Before you attain it, it is something wonderful, but after you obtain it, it is nothing special. It is just you yourself, nothing special. 只有在沒有計較心的情況下,你才是真正在做事。你若能每天持之以恆做這種簡單的修行,最終一定會獲得某些奇妙的力量。獲得力量以前,你會覺得那真是很奇妙,但獲得之後,就覺得那也沒什麼特別的了。

As a Chinese poem says, “I went and I returned. It was nothing special. Rozan famous for its misty mountains; Sekko for its water.” People think it must be wonderful to see the famous range of mountains covered by mists, and the water said to cover all the earth. But if you go there you will just see water and mountains. Nothing special.
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It is a kind of mystery that for people who have no experience of enlightenment, enlightenment is something wonderful. But if they attain it, it is nothing. But yet it is not nothing.

Just practice zazen in a certain posture. Do not think about anything. Just remain on your cushion without expecting anything. Then eventually you will resume your own true nature. That is to say, your own true nature resumes itself.

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About wtsai

台南一中、台大物理、 哈佛博士。曾任教授、科學家、工程師。專長: 吹牛、高能物理、量子物理、太空物理,天文物理、地球物理,人造衛星設計、測試、發射、資料回收及科學應用。略涉: 武俠、太極、瑜珈、導引、氣功、經脈、論語、易經、老莊、一乘佛經、禪經、靈界實相、Hawkins、Seth。

3 thoughts on “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind (1) 禪者的初心 精華節錄 (1) (中英對照)      

  1. 信堅兄,好奇一問,請問你有聽說過”奇蹟課程”嗎?



    • 小飛師兄:

      歡迎參觀信堅園地。也很高興師兄提及 “奇蹟課程” (ACIM: A Course in Miracles). 這是戒酒無名會(Alcoholics Anonymous)的教科書,也是他們提高靈性的寶典。但信堅沒看過此書。因師兄再提起,信堅今早上網,看了一下此書的簡介。覺得這是一本相當好的靈修書。

      1. 人類的病情症狀雖然複雜多變,但病根卻是同一個,故只需一個藥方。它的解答之所以「顯得」抽象,乃是因為我們的病因,不在於某個人丶某件事或某種細菌,而是出自抽象的心理層面。它把人類的毛病全都歸根於心理的疾病,而心病只能用心藥來醫,

      2. 它把人類一視同仁,待之如學生,而且是蒙昧無知的小學生。它幫我們揭發心中隱藏的錯誤信念,並讓我們親眼看到這些信念所帶來的不幸後果,希望我們看清這一真相而自動放棄舊有的一套,開始嘗試它的新理念。

      3. 不再追求天堂,也不希冀涅槃,只需清清明明丶踏踏實實地活於當下,只為眼前的這一刻負責,奇蹟便在眼前出現了。(這跟 “禪者的初心” 所說,完全相同。)

      但全書相當長,單就第一部 “正文” 就有31 章,500頁左右。再加上第二部「學員練習手冊」及第三部「教師指南」,就有一千多頁。因此要等信堅有時間看過此書之後,才能對此書有正確的評論。


  2. 真的、真的、真的感謝師兄犧牲自己的時間跟精力回答末學的問題,我都覺得蠻受用的。

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